د.محمد المعداوي -إستشاري جراحة مجري البول والمسالك البولية للاطفال

Surgeries for urethral strictures or obstruction

Surgeries for urethral strictures or obstruction

Surgeries for urethral strictures or obstruction are surgical procedures used to treat urinary problems that may occur due to narrowing or blockage of the urethra. Urethral stricture is a health issue that can affect both men and women of all ages and may have a negative impact on quality of life if not properly treated.

Common causes of urethral stricture in men include compression of the tissues surrounding the urethra due to prostate enlargement or scarring after previous surgery in the area, while inflammation of the tissues can cause urethral stricture in women.

Surgeries for urethral strictures encompass a variety of surgical procedures aimed at opening and widening the urethra to facilitate urine flow. The type of surgery chosen depends on the cause and severity of the stricture and may include traditional surgical methods such as cutting or removing the stricture, or using laser techniques to precisely widen the urethra.

After surgery, necessary care is provided to the patient to assist in optimal recovery, which may include medication for pain control and inflammation reduction, as well as guidance on self-care and a healthy lifestyle.

Surgeries for urethral strictures are essential procedures to improve the quality of life for individuals affected by this health issue. Individuals experiencing symptoms of urethral stricture should consult a specialist for accurate diagnosis and the prescription of appropriate treatment that effectively meets their healthcare needs.

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Dr.Mohamed El-Maadawy

Consultant in Pediatric Urology specializing in surgeries for urinary tract obstruction or stricture, lower urinary tract reconstruction, and genital surgeries.

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