د.محمد المعداوي -إستشاري جراحة مجري البول والمسالك البولية للاطفال

Penile lengthening and enhancement surgery

Penile lengthening and enhancement surgery

Penile lengthening and enhancement surgery is a surgical procedure aimed at increasing the length of the penis and revealing the buried portion of it. This surgical procedure is common among men who suffer from buried penis and desire to improve its appearance and increase its length.

Penile lengthening and enhancement surgery involve several different surgical procedures, including:

  1. Surgical procedures to strengthen the suspensory ligament: The ligament that attaches the penis to the body is strengthened through surgery to release the penis and increase its length.
  2. Implantation of fillers: Various fillers are implanted inside the penis to increase its girth and consequently its length.
  3. Ligament cutting surgery: The ligament connected to the penis and attaching it to the body is cut, allowing the buried portion of the penis to be revealed and its length to increase.

Penile lengthening and enhancement surgery require specialized and complex surgical procedures and must be performed by a skilled and experienced surgeon. The patient should consult with a specialized physician to receive proper guidance and evaluate the possibility of undergoing the procedure.

It is important to understand that the results of penile lengthening and enhancement surgery may vary from person to person, and there may be potential risks and complications such as loss of sensitivity, deformities, or post-surgery infections. Therefore, the patient should be informed about all the information related to the procedure and have a comprehensive discussion with the physician before making a decision to undergo surgery.

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