د.محمد المعداوي -إستشاري جراحة مجري البول والمسالك البولية للاطفال

Penile curvature

Penile curvature

Penile curvature is a common condition characterized by the deviation of the penis from its natural trajectory during erection, which can affect the external appearance and sexual function of the man. The curvature can be mild or severe, and it may be visible or invisible when the penis is flaccid.

Several factors can cause penile curvature, including Peyronie’s disease, inflammation, physical trauma, previous surgery, congenital deformities, and cardiovascular diseases. Mild curvature may not be noticeable, while severe curvature can cause pain, difficulty in achieving erection, and intercourse.

There are various treatment options available for penile curvature, including medication, surgical intervention, radiation therapy, and psychotherapy. The appropriate treatment varies depending on the characteristics and condition of each patient, the severity of the curvature, and accompanying symptoms.

Patients should consult a specialist in cosmetic surgery or male genital disorders to receive an accurate diagnosis and appropriate treatment for penile curvature. It is important to understand that treating penile curvature may require time for recovery and may necessitate ongoing therapy to achieve the desired results.

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