د.محمد المعداوي -إستشاري جراحة مجري البول والمسالك البولية للاطفال



Hypospadias is a congenital condition that occurs in males where the urethral opening is not located at the tip of the penis but instead is situated at an abnormal location on the underside of the penis, often closer to the bottom of the organ or even at the bottom of the base.

The severity of hypospadias cases can vary from mild to more complex cases. The main concern with this condition is that it can lead to difficulties in urination and psychological consequences for the child.

Hypospadias typically requires surgical treatment to correct the condition and redirect the urinary stream to the natural pathway. Surgical treatment approaches vary depending on the severity of the condition and other factors such as the child’s age and overall health.

Surgical treatment for hypospadias cases involves reconstructing the urethra, correcting the position of the urethral opening, and repairing any other deformities in the penis. This procedure may be performed early after the child’s birth or later depending on the treating physician’s assessment.

Following the surgical procedure, necessary care is provided to the child to ensure proper healing and minimize any potential complications. The treating physician can offer guidance and direction to parents regarding post-operative care and how to handle any possible complications.

Hypospadias cases require careful evaluation and specialized treatment under the supervision of pediatricians and pediatric surgeons to ensure the best care and treatment for affected patients.

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With Dr. Mohamed El-Maadawy, you will be treated using the latest therapeutic protocol that relies on diagnosis and examination to determine the most appropriate treatment method for the patient.

Dr.Mohamed El-Maadawy

Consultant in Pediatric Urology specializing in surgeries for urinary tract obstruction or stricture, lower urinary tract reconstruction, and genital surgeries.

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