د.محمد المعداوي -إستشاري جراحة مجري البول والمسالك البولية للاطفال



Cryptorchidism, or undescended testicle, is a condition commonly seen in male infants, where the testicle fails to descend to its natural position in the scrotum, remaining elevated in the thigh or upper part of the groin. This condition may be temporary and resolve over time, or it may be permanent, requiring surgical intervention.

Cryptorchidism is often observed by healthcare providers during the physical examination of the infant. Initial treatment may involve waiting for a period of time to monitor the condition’s progression, and in some cases, the testicle may descend naturally without the need for surgical intervention. However, if the testicle remains undescended without improvement, surgical treatment may be necessary to stabilize the testicle in its natural position.

Surgical correction of cryptorchidism is typically performed early, often within the first few months of life, to avoid potential issues such as infertility and increased risk of injury in the future.

It is essential to consult a specialist for accurate diagnosis and determination of the appropriate treatment for cryptorchidism. Regular monitoring should be conducted to ensure no complications or changes occur.

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